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Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Beast of Talwar - PSV-103- As New Ultra Rare card
Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Call Of The Haunted - PSV-E012 - Used 1st edition Ultra Rare card
Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Goblin Attack Force - PSV-E094 - Used Ultra Rare card
Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Graverobber - PSV-008 - As New Super Rare card
Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Jinzo - PSV-000 - Heavy played 1st edition Secret Rare card
Yu-Gi-Oh Pharaoh's Servant - Jinzo - PSV-E000 - Used Secret Rare card